Professional Development
Suggested Professional Organizations:
There are two professional organizations that I would suggest that All mathematics teachers would benefit by joining:
· (NCTM), National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, www.nctm.org
· (ISTE), International Society for Technology for Technology in Education, www.iste.org
Mathematical awards to apply for:
The Massachusetts Software & Internet Council Education Foundation
and the Above and Beyond Award.
This award was created to reward the unsung heroes who are encouraging
innovative teaching and learning in Massachusetts schools. The award gives
up to 20 exceptional teachers $1,000 grants for classroom use.
To submit a nomination( You may nominate yourself.): simply go to www.msicouncil.org
The Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) Program identifies outstanding science and mathematics teachers, kindergarten through 12th grade, in each state and the four U.S. jurisdictions. To download application, visit www.ehr.nsf.gov/pres_awards
As a member of these two organizations I receive the following publications:
· Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School by NCTM
(Published monthly
except July and August)
· Learning & Leading with Technology by ISTE
monthly except June, July, and August)
ASCD SmartBrief (Sign up
for your FREE SmartBrief) A free daily news briefing delivered
directly to you through e-mail. Each ASCD SmartBrief takes you straight
to the most salient news and trends affecting education today.
Good software is important in raising the level of and enhancing the
teaching of mathematics.
I recommend the following:
Software Evaluation
Reviewers: Corinne J. Biscardi
Software Title: Riverdeep Destination Math
Publisher: Riverdeep interactive Learning (Edmark)
Computer compatibility: Internet Site: www.riverdeep.net
Grade Levels appropriate: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Student group sizes: Individual to entire class
Brief description of program: This is a comprehensive mathematics computer delivered program geared to K – 8. It focuses on basic skills, math reasoning, and problem solving. It uses a sequenced curriculum designed around the national and state mathematics standards. The courses are presented in a design to support individualized instruction, collaborative learning, and whole class presentation.
Program objectives: The intention of the program is that it be used as a supplemental program for classroom instruction. The objectives of Riverdeep are to give the students additional practice in math fundamentals via animated models and hands-on activities.
Describe your observations of a child or class using this program. I find students become totally engaged with the program and enjoy the sound, animation, and hands-on instruction. They find it user friendly and like the ability to pause or return to different frames of the sequenced instruction. The program never says the student is “wrong”. It allows the individual student to work at their own pace and make mistakes without feeling inferior. Riverdeep also allows the student to repeat as many times as needed until understanding of the skill or concept is accomplished. Used as a supplement to the curriculum the children enjoy it thoroughly.
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the program? The program has colorful graphics, sound, and animation. It is user friendly. The tutorials walk students through a typical lesson, with opportunities to drag answers into place. Wrong answers result in a help sequence. After the lesson, students are given a short quiz. Teachers or students can check their progress at any time, which is nice for building a sense of accomplishment (“I’m competing with myself.”) In all cases, the content is carefully presented, with quality narration and good sequencing. The main weakness is the pacing. The student is forced to click too often ( to continue), and are forced to sit through sometimes long narrations. It does not provide accommodations for visual and hearing impaired students.
How long did it take you to become familiar with the program? Approximately
one to two months.
How long might it take students? It takes one to two classes; depends
upon the individual student.
Are the time investments worth the learning benefits? The program is
excellent for review, reinforcement, and remedial support to supplement
the mathematics curriculum. It certainly enhances classroom instruction
and the needs of the individual student.
Rate the program according to the following characteristics:
SA – Strongly Agree A – Agree D-Disagree SD-Strongly Disagree NA –
Not acceptable
1. Content is accurate SA A D SD NA
2. Program has educational value SA A D SD NA
3. Program is free from stereotypes SA A D SD NA
4. Content is of interest to students SA A D SD NA
5. Information is presented clearly & logically SA A D SD NA
6. Graphic, sound, and animation contribute to the educational value.
7. Students enjoy using the program SA A D SD NA
8. Program gives appropriate feedback to responses SA A D SD NA
9. Students control the program’s rate SA A D SD NA
10. Documentation is clearly written SA A D SD NA
11. Teacher’s guide is useful SA A D SD NA ( I have not had one available
to me)
12. Program does not crash SA A D SD NA
13. Program in progress can be easily saved SA A D SD NA
14. Program is user friendly SA A D SD NA
Additional Comments:
Riverdeep provides a highly individualized learning experience and
builds mathematical skills, as well as, self esteem.. According to
assessment it has increased mathematical scores.
Inspiration provides both the teacher and student with a tool to create
concept maps to organize and visually represent information in a clear,
concise, and convenient style. It also provides tools to enhance what you
are doing with graphics, icons, and more. Read more online, 30-day
Evaluation CD available, www.inspiration.com
What is Quia?
Quia is pronounced key-ah and is short for Quintessential Instructional
Archive. Quia provides a variety of educational services, including:
· A directory of thousands of online activities and quizzes
in more than 50 subject areas
· Templates for creating 14 different types of online activities,
including flashcards, matching, concentration (memory), word search, hangman,
jumbled words, ordered list, picture perfect, pop-ups, challenge board,
scavenger hunt, rags to riches (a quiz-show style trivia game), columns,
and close exercises.
· Tools for creating online quizzes with up to eight question
· Quiz administration and reporting tools
· Class Web pages
· Calendars and schedules
· Online surveys
Read more online, 30-Day free trial offer, www.quia.com
"Newsgroups" began shortly after the internet started
and became an electronic bulletin board for people to post messages on
any topic they wanted, initially the messages were specific to science
and computers. Now you can find newsgroups created for thousands of topics
which entice millions of readers.
I am an active member of a group called math_teach.
email chat room for students
Exchanging ideas, articles, research, experiences, and
questions about teaching
Technology in Teaching and Learning Discussion List
Technology Teacher Forum
listproc@lists.missouri.edu •TLT-L
Teaching, Learning, and Technology Roundtable
Writing Across the Curriculum•WWWEDU
listserv@vmd.cso.uiuc.edu •WWWEDU
The World Wide Web in Education
http://trackstar.hprtec.org/ helps to set up web sites
good web quest http://lessonplancentral.com/
What is curriculum mapping?
Curriculum mapping is a procedure for collecting data about the actual curriculum in a school district using the school calendar as an organizer. Data are gathered in a format that allows each teacher to present an over view of his or her students' actual learning experiences. The fundamental purpose of mapping is communication. The composite of each teacher's map is a building or district provides efficient access to a k-12 curriculum perspective both vertically and horizontally. Mapping is not presented as what ought to happen but what is happening during the course of a school year. Data offer an overview perspective rather than a daily classroom perspective. Curriculum mapping is an extremely useful tool for creating a "big picture" for curriculum decision making.
Jacobs, H. (1997). Mapping the Big Picture. Virginia: ASCD.
Curriculum Mapping Template - PDF file
Curriculum Mapping Example of 7th grade math by Geraldine Carbone - PDF file
National standards can be located @ www.nctm.org.
State standards can be located @ www.doe.mass.edu/frameworks
Educator Licensure can be located @ www.doe.mass.edu/Educators/e_license.html
This is the home page for initial licensure and recertification. There
are links that allow you to apply for certification and recertification