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Mathematicians never die ~ they only loose some of their functions.


" What is Pi?"
A mathematician: "P is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter."
A computer programmer: "Pi is 3.141592653589 in double precision."
A physicist: "Pi is 3.14159 plus or minus 0.000005."
An engineer: "Pi is about 22/7."
A nutritionist: "Pie is a healthy and delicious dessert!"


In a speech to a gathering of mathematics professors from throughout the United States, George W. Bush warned the academics not to misuse their position to force their often extremist political views on young Americans. "It is my
understanding ", the president said, "that you are frequently teaching algebra classes in which your students learn how to solve equations with the help of radicals. I can't say that I approve of that..."

If you like these jokes and wish to read more
Volker Runde  has created  a web site that is a collection of  math jokes. http://www.math.ualberta.ca/~runde/jokes.html